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Manual Compilation

To compile the project manually, navigate to the c++/src directory and run the following command:

mkdir -p dist
g++ Bunny.cpp DNA.cpp main.cpp -g -o dist/pcg-bunnies

This will create the dist directory and compile the project into an executable named pcg-bunnies.

Compile via Build Script

Navigate to the c++/src directory and run the following command:


This will run the provided build script and place the compiled program in the c++/dist folder with the name pcg-bunnies.

Compile via Docker Compose

To compile the program using Docker Compose, run one of the following commands based on your Linux distribution from the c++ directory:

# For regular Linux
docker-compose build --no-cache latest
# For Alpine Linux
docker-compose build --no-cache alpine

The resulting image will contain the compiled project in multiple locations:

  • /src/dist/pcg-bunnies (all images)
  • /usr/sbin/pcg-bunnies (linux images)
  • /sbin/pcg-bunnies (Alpine images)

To compile for a new release of this project, use the development versions (labeled -dev) and manually run the build scripts in the container to generate the binaries.